Tenho 5 convites para o Chim.mp. Quem estiver interessado só têm de deixar o comentário com o seu email.
“What is chi.mp?
Chi.mp stands for “Content Hub & Identity Management Platform”, but in fact it is much more
Chi.mp’s service lets you register your own .mp domain and gives you a free Web site that serves as a hub for your content across the Web. Your chi.mp site also gives you one place to bring together and manage all your contacts in one “Ultimate Black Book”. Chi.mp lets you own and define “digital you” and to share different versions of “digital you” with your selected contacts. More than a life-stream or an aggregator, chimp allows you to take control of how you share your self with the world.
With chi.mp, you own and control your identity, your content and your contacts. This is not the case with typical social networks.”
Mais info aqui
Oi será que me podias disponibilizar um convite?
[email protected]
[email protected]
Olá Edgar!
Podes-me enviar 1? 🙂 [email protected]
Agradecia um convite 😉
[email protected]
@João Santos, @Telmo, @Sofia, @Pedro Santos: Convites enviados ! Caso tenham dificuldade digam para reenviar novamente.
Só já tenho mais um ! Quem quiser ponha o dedo no ar 🙂
Edgar ainda sobra um para mim?
[email protected]
@Luis Frade : enviado.
Pronto… acabaram-se os convites. No more tickets to the chimp are available 🙂
Edgar verifiquei a minha inbox, mas ainda não chegou lá nada.
Será que poderias tentar reenviar?
[email protected]
@Joao Santos: Invitation resent to joao_m12….
Vê se não está no trash. O Hotmail é muito esquisito com isto, e a mensagem têm links para activares a promoção.
Please send me invitation to the next e-mail address: bhagavan (at) sezampro.yu
Thank you.
Hi, I’d love an invitation if possible.
[email protected]
HI,Can you send me one invitation to the Chim.mp?
My Email is : [email protected]
Thank you .
Sorry no more invitations left. Only had five, and they’ve been all delivered.
I would love one. I’d be so grateful if you would consider me.
Thank you
gg1911 @ gmail . com