O!Play HDP-R1 – BitTorrent Client with Firmware 1.27

First of all, i would like to clarify that i’m not responsable for any damage you can cause to your equipment “playing” with the shell access to your O!Play. Try this at your own risk….
Ok, so Asus had released had released FW 1.27 at its FTP and removed and appearead again and now… it’s not there.

In fact some users have download it, and put it over internet in servers like MegaUpload.

In order to get some links just visit Asus support forum. With this firmware i’ve discovered that one more cool thing can ben enabled: BitTorrent Client.

At this point i managed to start the BitTorrent Client, the webserver/scripts from which it can be controlled, but after adding a torrent it’s stalled. Maybe this needs some more research, but until now these are the steps that i’ve done to get this working. UPDATE: after sooooooooometime the torrent starts to download indeed!

Ok, let’s explain:

Step 1: Telnet into your O!Play with username root and no password

Step2: Execute the following commands: df

Watch the results in such way to retrieve the path of your harddisk connected to the oplay. In my case it’s under /tmp/usbmounts/sda2 . What’s appear on your telnet client it’s something like this:

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                92160     92160         0 100% /
/dev/mtdblock/2          61440      1404     60036   2% /usr/local/etc
/dev/rd/0                   40        40         0 100% /mnt/rd
/dev/scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 61440      1404     60036 /tmp/usbmounts/sda2

Since now we know the path under where is the Hard Disk or pen now execute the following

cd /usr/local/bin/package/script

./bt.script start ../btpd /tmp/usbmounts/sda2/

After this you’ll get a message like “BT start”

OK… next enable web interface, execute the following commands:

./unicgi start

You’ll receive in your screen the following message:

“Starting unicgi…
unicgi started”

After this just acess http://YOUR.OPLAY.IP/home.html with your favorite browser

You can add a torrent

And you can see the torrent added, start it, but until now…. no luck. Maybe it’s missing port config or something else. Will try to figure it out later. It takes a while to starting to download, but it downloads.

After some time the torrent disappears…. strange!! It disappears but later appears again, and starts downloading.

Another cool thing is that if you put the unit in standby all goes by. You’ve to start it again.

Insignificant stuff or usefull ? I prefer it as a big step in the functions now available. However the BitTorrent Client seems to be quite broken indeed. Maybe some tuning will fix.

Same goes to the NAS functionality (view my post in O!Play HDP-R1 – Nas With Firmware 1.27) which is a big step, but… seems equally to be broken, as it’s not enabled by default, and it’s not very usefull logging in the box by telnet and running linux commans. However we’ve to keep in mind that this is not a computer.


  1. Pingback:Tweets that mention O Cantinho do Edgar » O!Play HDP-R1 – BitTorrent Client with Firmware 1.27 -- Topsy.com

  2. Maybe that is the reason they pulled the file of their FTP Server. I would guess that they put it there for someone to grab it and finish those. Maybe put then on a startup script or create the options to activate trough the user interface.

  3. Do Bufo

  4. very naice. Hi5

  5. is the ftp server up and running?
    or not?

  6. Pingback:O!Play HDP-R1 – Nas With Firmware 1.27 « Eugeniu's Blog

  7. Pingback:O!Play HDP-R1 – Nas With Firmware 1.27 « Eugeniu's Blog

  8. Pingback:O!Play HDP-R1 – Nas With Firmware 1.27 « Eugeniu's Blog

  9. @nokas
    Nop… no FTP server.

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