Raspberry Pi hangs

So… after solved the last hangups, so more things changed by this side.

My new raspberry pi had arrived, and it was time do turn the one that i’ve been trying to Vasco.

So, took the sdcard from one, and plugged in another. Only have to change the internet stuff at router. At this time i’ve taked the usb cable from my samsung phone and replaced with a cheap one bought in ebay.

So, after that hangs came back….

Our software being developed had changed too.

After reading some stuff, I’ve decided to replace the usb cable with the previous. This hangs are different than the other in the past. Last one there was messages in the stdout about kernel panics… in this don’t.

In the beginning the overload was a thing that i blamed, but after being working in the pi and it blocked without anything special running… made me think. So replacing the cable with the samsung one helped a lot.

Still some hangs persist, not regular.

So ‘ive decided. I will change to raspberry pi debian wheezy beta.

Still, it may solve some things, but there is a unsure rumour about a pl2303 interface being causing problems.

I’ve being using one in our projects to parse the XML supplied by a Current Cost Envi. So despite the huge load caused by python, the arduino usb  interface being bug fixed to interface better with the home X10 interface, some lockups in the sqlite database used by python and web interface, and this new fact of the pl2303 i’m not quite sure of what’s the real problem.

Since the device don’t have anything on the screen when it crashes it’s complicated. My best bet is now the pl2303, which seen in a forum that can be solved with deleting the module and inserting it again with some tweaks.

But let’s try wheezy. It should be better for sure.

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